Antologia de textos Conselhos às Malcasadas - Anthology of texts Advice to ill-married women - By G&P
Reference: 9789897024054
EAN: 9789897024054
EAN: 9789897024054
12.00 €
Anthology of prose texts and poems by Fernando Pessoa and some of his literary personas: Bernardo Soares, Barão de Teive, Álvaro de Campos, Maria José and António Mora, related to themes such as: sex, eroticism and desire, organized by Manuel S. Fonseca, with the seal of Guerra & Paz, 2018, entitled Conselhos às Malcasadas / Advice to ill-married women.
Did you know that the persona Maria José is a hunchback and tuberculosis girl, who writes a poignant love letter to the locksmith António, but who feels that this love it's one-sided love.
Buy now this curious edition featuring some of Fernando Pessoa's and his personas most carnal and desire texts, including a female one.